Japan America Society of Southern California

   Building Japan-America Relationships Since 1909

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  • The Future of the Asia-Pacific: New Opportunities and Challenges for Japan-U.S. Relations

The Future of the Asia-Pacific: New Opportunities and Challenges for Japan-U.S. Relations

  • Tuesday, December 17, 2013
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Omni Los Angeles Hotel (Los Angeles, CA)


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:

Registration is closed

Japan America Society of Southern California
and our partners:
Los Angeles World Affairs Council, Town Hall Los Angeles and US-Japan Council
and cooperating organizations:
Asia Society Southern California, Japanese American Cultural & Community Center, Japanese American National Museum, Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Southern California, Japanese Prefectural Association of Southern California and Orange County Japanese American Association invite you and your associates to a lunch and discussion with

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Japan to the United States of America

The Future of the Asia-Pacific:
New Opportunities and Challenges for Japan-U.S. Relations

Tuesday, December 17, 2013
12:00pm to 1:30pm
Registration begins at 11:30am

Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza

251 South Olive Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
($12 Valet parking only)

Japan made a splendid comeback this year. What will be the next step? Can Japan finally restore the real economic growth under "Abenomics"? What will be the role of Japan and the U.S.-Japan alliance to maximize the potential of the Asia-Pacific region? Please join us as Ambassador Kenichiro Sasae discusses these issues on his first official visit to Southern California. (This seminar will be in English only)


$55 Members
$70 Non-members & Guests
$550 Table of 10

RSVP by: Friday, December 13, 2013

Download Flyer


佐々江賢一郎大使 講演会


受付 午前11時半
ランチョン・講演会 正午~午後1時半

Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza
251 South Olive Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
($12 バレットパーキングのみ)



$55 会員
$70 非会員・ゲスト
$550 1テーブル(10席)



©2024 Japan America Society of Southern California
1411 W. 190th Street, Suite 360, Gardena, CA 90248

tel (310) 965-9050    fax (310) 965-9010   email info@jas-socal.org

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