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Japan America Society of Southern California
Building Japan-America Relationships Since 1909
Enjoy your summer with JF Nihongo! During the summer term, we offer special courses for teens, kids & parents, and JLPT test takers. The courses are held at two locations, either Little Tokyo or Miracle Mile, depending on class.
Summer Camp for Teens: Discover Little Tokyo
Step away from the classroom for a more interactive approach to language learning! Learning Katakana (ex. ア、イ、ウ) and simple expressions in Japanese through fun activities such as exploring Little Tokyo and a scavenger hunts. For 14-18 years old with no prior experience in learning Japanese.
Japanese for Fun: Making Sushi with Mom/ Dad
Learn Japanese vocabulary and basic expressions as well as Japanese food culture and table manners, while making sushi through the instruction of a professional chef of Sushi Chef Institute ( This course is designed for children 8 years old and up and accompanying their parents or guardians*. No prior Japanese learning experience necessary.
*Up to two children can participate with one adult.
JLPT The Basics
This JLPT explanatory workshop aims to provide learners of Japanese with an explanation of the purpose, structure and scoring of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. It will also provide learners with the opportunity to practice answering questions using sample test questions. This course is suitable for first-time applicants, and previous applicants who would like information on the new JLPT.
N5 Class
N4 Class
For further information and registration, please visit
tel (310) 965-9050 fax (310) 965-9010 email