The Mineta Legacy Project Presents:
"What Does It Mean To Be An American?"
Saturday, February 20, 2021
10-11AM (Los Angeles Time)

Saturday, February 20, 2021
10-11AM (Los Angeles Time)
Register Now
In observance of the Day of Remembrance, The Japan America Society of Southern California is a Community Partner of the What Does It Mean To Be An American? webinar on Saturday, February 20 at 10-11am PT, for teachers and educators to introduce the What Does It Mean To Be An American? curriculum and powerful learning tool designed to engage and empower students. In conjunction with this event, the PBS documentary film Norman Mineta and His Legacy: An American Story will be made available for free streaming the month of February. To register:
Developed by the Mineta Legacy Project in partnership with SPICE (Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education), What Does It Mean To Be An American? is the innovative free online curriculum offers six unique and customized lessons tailored for educators, high school students, and college students to examine what it means to be American.
Presented by curriculum developer Rylan Sekiguchi, Stanford SPICE, Dianne Fukami and Debra Nakatomi, co-producers of the Mineta Legacy Project, the program will feature a 45-minute tour examining history, identity and current events exploring 6 themes: Immigration, Civil Liberties & Equity, Civic Engagement, Justice & Reconciliation, Leadership and U.S-Japan Relations
The Mineta Legacy Project was created to share the life, career, and contributions of Secretary Norman Y. Mineta, the first Japanese American from the mainland to be elected to Congress and the first Asian American to serve in a U.S presidential cabinet. The result: a one-hour film documentary entitled "Norman Mineta and His Legacy: An American Story” and the “What Does It Mean to Be An American?” educational curriculum.
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